The election battle is well and truly heating up, with supporters of opposing parties out in force at the weekend.
And it's great to see Rotorua people getting engaged and getting passionate, whatever their colours.
Prime Minister John Key did the rounds in Rotorua on Saturday, dropping in at the netball, swinging some poi and joining people lunching at the Central Mall food court. While I haven't seen photographic evidence, it's a safe bet there was a bit of baby holding and charming of old ladies as well. His counterparts were no doubt doing the same in other parts of the country.
It's been an intriguing few months politically, dominated by Dirty Politics, but recently there has been more focus on policies - which is what most Kiwis have been calling out for.
And today Kim Dotcom is expected to unveil his much hyped "moment of truth" revelations. Will it prove John Key lied? Will it show New Zealanders have been spied on? Or will it be a flop?