It hasn't been the best of weeks for race relations. As it comes to a close an iwi is in shock over the jailing of its most prominent figure. As it began a southern man ranted about racial equality while criticising racial priority.
Seven days ago the appearance on the national scene of multimillionaire Invercargill businessman Louis Crimp sparked uproar as he railed against "Maoris" in what was quite rightly described as an extraordinary interview with the Weekend Herald.
Mr Crimp said all the white New Zealanders he'd spoken to didn't like "the Maoris" and the way they were full of "crime and welfare".
Oh how Southland must have cringed as the story took off.
Quite what Mr Crimp hoped to achieve with his outburst isn't clear - but plenty of people, including many media types, have expressed on social media this week their view that giving him a platform gives his views legitimacy.