Our drug problems were highlighted by a major region-wide drug operation, reported by us on Saturday, during which many people were arrested and drugs including methamphetamine were found.
News of the operation coincided with the appalling case of two young children contaminated by methamphetamine through the actions of their P-dealing mother, Yasmin Rose Patten, who was jailed for two-and-half years on a raft of drugs offences.
These types of cases are, unfortunately, all too common. In this case scientific testing on a hair sample from one child revealed he had traces of methamphetamine in his system.
Police believe the other child, a baby girl who couldn't be tested because her hair was not long enough, would be even more contaminated. This is child abuse.
Has Patten always been so selfish she doesn't give a toss about her own kids, or was she once a decent person who got caught up in the destructive grip of methamphetamine?