Temperatures are cooler, the sun takes longer to get up and leaves earlier in the evening - it's the sad proof that winter is nearing.
I'm a summer girl. I love the beach, I'm happier in warm weather and I love the outdoors, particularly when the sun is shining. The light mornings and evenings are also very motivating.
However, this week we've been given a bit of a reminder that summer is really over and autumn is here. The rain has fallen - to the relief of many - the temperatures have dropped and it's starting to get dark earlier. In my household, the blankets have even been pulled out of the closets to be used to snuggle on the couch.
For many it also means waking in the dark and getting home from work in the dark. It can all be a bit depressing.
It's sparked a bit of discussion in the newsroom too. Many of us have talked about how we miss the warm summer temperatures, as if it's a distant memory.