If ever there was a good time to quit a bad habit it's now.
I am referring, of course, to smoking - that aberration in our drug laws that only allows a legal killer to remain because its grip on mankind started so long ago and lawmakers can't figure out a way of enforcing a total ban on it, without causing untold bloodletting not to mention a loss in revenue.
Whereas I sympathise with tobacco addicts who feel they are powerless to quit, I would point out the coming price hikes for cigarettes is a great opportunity to redouble their resolve to finally get rid of the monkey on their back.
New Year's Day is D-Day for price increases, a rather cynical date that ties in with resolutions but it is said to be only one of many expected price increases.
If money alone is not a spur to quit then couple it up with the near surety of failing health, or premature death.