Residents in the Lake Rotoiti, Rotoma and Rotoehu catchments have been given a three-year extension to upgrade their septic tanks three months before a deadline was due to kick in.
Upgrade deadlines have been extended as part of changes to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council's On-site Effluent Treatment Plan. The plan deals with the effects of domestic wastewater discharge on water quality in the Bay of Plenty and sets out policies and rules around how domestic wastewater can be suitably disposed of on a property and manages the effects of the wastewater on the water quality of lakes, rivers and harbours.
The plan change means property owners in the Rotoiti, Rotoma and Rotoehu catchments now have until December 1 2016 to upgrade their septic tanks to an approved aerated wastewater treatment system with nutrient removal, or obtain a resource consent and pay a financial contribution to offset the nutrients going into the lake. The previous deadline was December 1 this year.
Owners in the Lake Tarawera maintenance zone need to continue maintaining their current system and now need to upgrade by December 1 2017, or obtain a resource consent and pay a financial contribution to offset the nutrients going into the lake. Mamaku residents have until December 1, 2018 to do the same.
Rotorua District Council sought the extension to align with its future community reticulation and Annual Plan timeframes.