The owner of a dog which mauled a cat to death in a quiet suburban street has gone to ground and may never be held accountable, say the cat's angry owners.
They are concerned the next attack by the dog, described as a pig-dog type cross-terrier, could be on a child.
Late last month Turtle, a 4-year-old tortoise shell moggy, was killed by a dog. Witnesses told the owners the cat was attacked three times by an unleashed dog on Robinson Ave, as its owner rode a bike.
Turtle's owners, who do not want to be named, said they were livid.
"We all understand that dogs chase cats - it's in their nature - but what we are extremely angry about is the fact that this guy allowed his dog to maul our cat not once but three times without controlling it." Animal control officers were there within five minutes of the incident but the dog and his owner had disappeared when they arrived, the cat owner said.