Much of the debate seems to be about the decision process itself and comments made on the fact that it did not include public consultation, as has been the practice of this current council.
There has even been a suggestion by a councillor or two that because of the closeness of the vote (7-5) the decision should be put to the public. In wanting to get back squarely on the fence, don't we actually vote our councillors in with a mandate to make the decisions? In a democratic society a majority is a majority, no matter how close the vote.
While we might feel a little miffed at not being asked our opinion, the council does have our mandate to make these decisions.
We should also note the name change is to the operating name - it is still the Rotorua District Council, operating as Rotorua Lakes Council.
The only major concern I have with the name change and rebranding is cost.
We are told very vaguely (and it could be the fault of the press) that the cost is estimated at $7000 in one article and $10,000 in the next.
I have seen a few rebranding exercises in my past life in the banking industry and that would be the morning tea cost alone at the meeting held to launch the rebrand with the staff!
Now I am sure our council would not have expended huge amounts on this, and again looking to return to the fence line, am confident they do indeed know pretty much what the total cost will be!
In all honesty, if the rebrand is rolled out progressively and only replacing letterhead, business cards, uniforms and signs as needed, it will not cost us any more than it does now. So with the fence buckling under my weight I would love to know your thoughts. Please visit our Facebook page and share them with me. There is plenty of room here on the fence.
- Darrin Walsh is chief executive of the Rotorua Chamber of Commerce.