The Government Gardens will be overflowing with art from the Children's Art House thanks to the latest round of grants from the Creative Communities Scheme. Photo/Ben Fraser
The Government Gardens will be overflowing with art from the Children's Art House thanks to the latest round of grants from the Creative Communities Scheme. Photo/Ben Fraser
The Government Gardens will be overflowing with art from the Children's Art House thanks to the latest round of grants from the Creative Communities Scheme.
The scheme's first grant series resulted in groups all over the district putting the funds to good use.
Rotorua Children's Art House coordinator Alison Rogers said the Art House had received its grant and is grateful for the extra funds.
"We are thrilled with the goodwill in the community towards this new organisation. The Creative Communities Scheme has meant that we are able to begin classes for the children in our community who truly love art and wouldn't normally be able to access after school classes."
"The grant has helped us to subsidise classes and has covered the cost of all the resources we need for our young artists to make art the whole of term two," she said.
The Children's Art House has heaps of fun activities coming up for Rotorua children.
Children's Art House in the Government Gardens. Photo/File
On offer are after school workshops from Monday to Wednesday where the children can choose from drawing, painting, modelling, sewing, carving or even sculpting. It all depends on their own individual interest and exploration.
Ms Rogers said the Art House will also be working with children with high needs from Westbrook Primary.
"They are delightful to work with and really get a lot out of the sessions."
"We have 30 kids enrolled in our classes so far and we look forward to the numbers increasing as the community become familiar with what we are offering," she said.
This round the Creative Communities Distribution Committee approved 20 of the 24 applications made to the scheme with $29,000 allocated between the groups. The activities ranged from speech competitions to school stage challenge groups to Rotorua Primary's Maori festival.
Committee chairperson Elise Francis was pleased with the grants approved this round.
"Having these funds available to Rotorua's creative groups makes a great difference to our community. We really want to support the creativity and culture in Rotorua and see it grow," she said.
Creative Communities Rotorua is a partnership between Creative New Zealand and Rotorua Lakes Council that aims to stimulate and support art and culture projects. Creative Communities Rotorua's goals are to broaden community involvement, encourage diversity and cultural traditions and enable young people to engage and participate in the arts.
If you want to know more about applying for the next round of grants opening on 1 August 2016 visit Rotorua Lakes Council's website or phone 07 348 4199.