There are plenty of stalls to explore at Art in the Park. Photo / Supplied
There are plenty of stalls to explore at Art in the Park. Photo / Supplied
Support local artists and find unique items while also enjoying the picturesque Government Gardens and music.
Art in the Park is an annual, free event bringing together local artists and musicians, and providing an opportunity for the community to engage with the arts.
Art in the Park 2021 is happening on Sunday, February 21. The event will also have a delicious selection of kai to nourish market visitors.
This event has been running for more than 20 years, highlighting local talent and craftsmanship.
Mary-Beth, The Arts Village director, says it is a good day to have fun and support talented artists who also felt the impact of the lockdown last year.
"Our team enjoys organising Art in the Park because it brings people together, helps us reflect on wider issues, builds our sense of belonging and makes Rotorua an incredible place to live with a thriving arts community.
"The stalls booked out two weeks before the deadline. Art in the Park is all about opportunities for artists to display and demonstrate their work.
"By buying handcrafted items from New Zealand-based artists, you know that you have directly supported the artists who made them."
This year will have music performances from Thermaleles, Taiko Drumming, Native Nations, and music projects like Trojan John's Laughing in Bedlam.
"The Arts Village Cafe will be open on the day, together with our galleries exhibiting our pop-up summer resident artists' works and the Tuakana Teina exhibition, which is a show by Te Arawa artists," Mary-Beth says.
Families got creative at a previous Art in the Park. Photo / Supplied
Teresa Ronayne of Twilight Sewn is one of the many stallholders, and will be selling her irreverent cross stitches.
She says she does a lot of online sales but this will be a great way for people to see her work in person, rather than on a computer.
"I think it's [Art in the Park] great because you get to see all the different, skilled craftspeople in Rotorua, and have a fun day out with food and music."
Mary-Beth Acres says The Arts Village is a small independent, non-profit organisation and is always on the lookout for ways to involve more groups and artists in this event.
"Events like these are run by and for the community, so if you would like to get involved and join us, we would love to hear from you."
The Arts Village will have an information stand with free sunscreen and a fun, free art-making activity, as well as information about volunteering, exhibiting your work, and the different classes and activities The Village has going on.
Everyone is invited, and is welcome to bring along a picnic and a chair or two.
These events are made possible by the community and funding support by Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust, Creative Communities Scheme Rotorua, and Rotorua Arts Village Trust.