Sport Bay of Plenty staff participate in a yoga session.
Sport Bay of Plenty is an organisation focused on getting members of the community active and healthy but during the nationwide Covid-19 lockdown it has taken a page out of its own book.
Communication and operations manager Melanie Short said as an organisation which "truly understands the benefit of keeping active and connected for both physical and mental health", the team was eager to find a way to do so during lockdown.
"We made the suggestion to our team to create a way to stay connected via our online channel – looking out for each other. We have so much expertise within our team that it was met with great enthusiasm and away it went."
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a different team member organises and runs a different activity via video conference. The activities include yoga, CrossFit, dancing, learning te reo and even karaoke.
Western Bay of Plenty recreation advisor Philip Seed was tasked with co-ordinating the project and he was delighted with how many staff members had got involved. In a funny way, isolation has helped the staff engage more than they had done previously.
"Our big thing was just keeping staff connected while we're physically distant. One of the main things was inputting into ourselves to keep healthy in order to then output to the community.
Sport Bay of Plenty staff and their families have been engaging in a range of wellness activities. Photo / Supplied
"For us to be able to help our communities we need to make sure we are healthy as well. We go by the whole concept of hauora - total wellbeing. It's about encouraging our staff to step out of their comfort zone while staying connected and looking after their hauora."
He said the wellness sessions were opened up to anyone in the bubbles of staff members so their whānau could get involved as well.
"We've had families doing them together, husbands and wives, children all jumping in together. It's been so good and we've had some really good feedback.
"Another good thing that has come out of this - it was a real shock to see how many have jumped in and staff are getting to know each other better. Through isolation we've managed to connect at all levels. All the slots are booked up for the rest of the week already, it's that popular that I've had to add extra sessions."
Short said a focus on wellbeing was crucial during the lockdown, for the Sport Bay of Plenty staff and the community as a whole.
"Initially our focus was on what we can do to help our community to stay active but when we thought about the expertise we have on our team and the technology available we decided to run our own lunchtime wellness sessions. It's so good, I personally really look forward to it.
"We have known for a long time, the connection between health and wellbeing and physical activity. We know the value of sport and recreation. Having these sessions is really good for ourselves internally but we know it's very good for each individual."
Sport Bay of Plenty has resources available for anyone looking for advice and tips on staying active during the lockdown; Activities at Home and Value of Sport.