There are 12 new confirmed cases of Covid in the community and one probable case, Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield says. One of the 13 cases is in hospital. Video / Chris Tarpey
"We are here, and you are at the front of our minds."
That is the message from Bay of Plenty Civil Defence group controller Clinton Naude today.
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence group controller Clinton Naude. Photo / File
In a press release, Naude said Covid-19 was different from other events and that made it harder for people to feel properly prepared.
Normally when Civil Defence is activated, it's more obvious who needs help.
He said Covid-19 was different because people might be having trouble behind closed doors and it was important for us all to look after each other and our neighbours and to show manaakitanga.
"In times of difficulty, Kiwis want to feel like they are doing something and they want to know local officials are getting ready. But unlike earthquake or flood responses, a lot of the work being done for Covid-19 doesn't involve sandbags or high-vis clothing."
Naude said one important thing people could do this time was to download the Covid tracing app and start using it immediately to record their movements.
"We have many different iwi in our rohe and a wide range of economic and social circumstances. The app will help speed up contact tracing if you have come into contact with a person who has tested positive."
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is made up of all seven of the region's councils and works closely with iwi, police, emergency services, district health boards and central government.
Clinton Naude said those groups and other agencies had already put in a lot of work prior to the latest increase in alert levels.
"Right now people in all those organisations are working hard to make sure people in the Bay are looked after properly, whatever happens next.
"Any time there is an event, we look at what went well and what needed to be better. Before this current resurgence, we had lots of hui and debriefs so we could all learn and apply the lessons from the initial COVID-19 response."
Naude said despite uncertainty about what the resurgence of the pandemic would mean for people, his team was calmly working to make sure things went as smoothly as possible.
"Like everyone, we are preparing for what may happen and we will be here to support the people of our region along with all our partners who are committed to the same goal."