The partnership allows us to work together on projects of significance for our district and Te Tatau input is making us a stronger council by strengthening the decision-making of our committees and ultimately the council. They gifted Rotorua the ReoRua initiative. This real and genuine working partnership benefits the whole district.
Putting aside the fact that the partnership won a LGNZ Excellence Award in 2016 I do believe that yes, it is working, but it's not simply a case of ticking a box. The council and Te Tatau o Te Arawa are on a journey and like every partnership it requires transparency and goodwill on both sides.
Voted for the partnership
Peter Bentley
I believe in democracy, not in tribalism, nor do I agree with any other minority selection process. To appoint representatives from one tribe to the exclusion of all others is not, for me, democracy. I can see no evidence of it working for our community at large. I do, however, hear a lot of racist comments that I never heard in the past.
The Partnership between Rotorua Lakes Council and Te Tatau o Te Arawa is working well. I do not believe all Māori in the Rotorua district have an input with different council related programmes. I want all people in Rotorua to be treated equal.
Voted against the partnership
Karen Hunt
The partnership has strengthened local decision-making. Discussions at committee level now include a uniquely Māori worldview. Te Tatau members also bring a wealth of business, technology and environmental experience to the table and this experience is clearly articulated. Our Rotorua community benefits immensely having Te Tatau members around the decision-making table.
Voted for the partnership
Rob Kent
From Te Arawa point of view definitely, from the rest of Rotorua ratepayers, no. Council meetings are now a farce: meetings just to rubber stamp decisions made by committees of unelected members. It would be a joke, if Rotorua ratepayers weren't facing skyrocketing debt and rates hikes, courtesy of those now with voting power, but no public accountability.
The council obviously saw merit in having an exclusive Māori point of view to reflect the thoughts of the land and its representation. Whether it's working or not is not for me to pass my thoughts on. Te Tatau has been chosen and it will remain.
Was not a councillor at the time
Trevor Maxwell
I wholeheartedly support the Te Arawa partnership and now congratulate Te Tatau Board for the professional and dignified way they have worked alongside Rotorua Lakes Council. Te Arawa working together with the council and rural and lakes boards have contributed to the success of Rotorua and the wellbeing of all residents "The Rotorua Way".
Te Tatau representatives are young articulate professionals. They contribute rigor and robust debate to issues as they arise. They do their homework, engage respectfully and never personalise issues. They have lifted the tone of debate. They work hard to explore greater collaboration opportunities between Te Arawa and the council. As a councillor and ratepayer I am grateful.
Voted for the partnership
Charles Sturt
The calibre of Te Tatau members who sit around the table at committee level is outstanding and their contribution is huge. Their collective ability to inform the elected council and board members of matters involving iwi from their perspective has helped me understand their aims and goals for all the people of Rotorua.
Since the partnership we have seen a positive change in the way we manage water and environmental issues. This is significant because past council decisions that excluded iwi engagement cost ratepayers millions. Now the partnership brings not only social justice but economic benefits with opportunities of shared investment in infrastructure to name a few.