The issue of rubbish dumping has continued to arise this year, with the latest discovery of about 13 desktop computers dumped near a stream running under State Highway 30.
Rotorua man Larry Ware spotted the dumping and sent images to the Rotorua Daily Post.
"I was absolutely disgusted. I couldn't believe it."
Ware estimated there were 13 computer monitors dumped at the edge of the Tahunaatara Stream, all of which were matching, leading him to believe they had come from a business.
Ware said he had reported the dumping to Rotorua Lakes Council.
A large amount of rubbish was seen by a stream south of Rotorua.
Ware said in his opinion the cost of taking rubbish to the dump was expensive and he believed the cost deterred people from getting rid of their rubbish through the proper avenues.
It costs $14 to $20 to dispose of a desktop computer at the Rotorua Recycling Centre.
Thirteen computers would cost between $182 and $260 to dispose of.
Disposing of general refuse at the dump costs $18 for a car load or $45 for a single axle trailer, van or ute carrying up to 250kg of rubbish.
"The side of the road is free so why would you pay $250," Ware said.
The council's infrastructure group manager Stavros Michael said illegal dumping was a community problem.
"People have to take personal responsibility for doing the right thing in disposing of the waste they generate.
"There is a cost associated with dealing with our community's waste. Fees at the landfill and for the disposal of items like e-waste at our recycling centre cover the cost associated with disposing of the waste the community generates.
"A user pays system as we currently have ensures individuals and businesses pay for the disposal of the waste that they each generate. Some generate more waste than others.
"Reducing or removing fees means the burden of the cost – which would remain the same – would fall on only those who pay rates."
The issue of rubbish dumping has been in local news multiple times this year.
It started when charity shops expressed frustrations with the dumping of rubbish over the holiday period.