"Each year, our clinical team make over 11,000 visits within the community and have approximately 120 patients at any given time.
"The grant we received contributed to ensuring our Nurses and Health Care Assistants could make all the necessary home visits on a regular basis – with over 80 per cent of our patients cared for in their own homes, this was a huge help," she said.
In the last round of funding, for the years 2015 to 2018, 38 local organisations received grants from the fund.
Amounts ranged from $200 to $2000 per year, for three years, to help with everything from operating costs to service delivery, training and activity days.
The grants are administered by the Geyser Community Foundation and applications close on July 16.
To be eligible for a grant, applicants need to show how their community-based services and initiatives will contribute to:
1. Making a difference alongside the community
- Improving equitable social, economic and/or cultural outcomes.
2. Contributing to one or more of the Rotorua 2030 goals:
-A resilient community ... He hāpori pumanawa. Inclusive, liveable and safe neighbourhoods give us a sense of place; and confidence to be involved and connected.
-Homes that match needs ... Kāinga noho kainga haumaru. Quality, affordable homes are safe and warm, and available to meet everyone's needs
-Outstanding places to play ... Papa whakatipu. Recreation opportunities are part of our lifestyle; connecting us, transporting us and surrounding us.
-Vibrant city heart ... Waahi pumanawa. Our inviting and thriving inner city reflects our unique heritage and lakeside location
-Business innovation and prosperity ... Whakawhanake pākihi. We boast a diverse and sustainable economy energised by our natural resources and innovative people
-Employment choices ... He huarahi hōu. We are a prosperous connected community; growing our education, training and employment opportunities.
-Enhanced environment ... Tiakana to taiao. We are known globally for our clean, natural environment, air quality and healthy lakes.
For more information about the grants or to apply visit www.rotorualakescouncil.nz/grantsandfunding or phone (07) 349 7496.