"As a rule of thumb I add 2C to the temperature reported on television but for those that don't know, they form the perception that Rotorua is cold and it paints the city in a negative light."
Many people on the Rotorua Daily Post Facebook page agreed with Mr Holden, saying Rotorua was "not that cold".
"Some years are colder that others ... Been here for 13yrs and this winter was more mild than last year. But yes I do think visitors would want to visit warmer areas," one said.
Another Facebook user said the temperature gauge needed to be moved from the airport.
"Move the temperature gage away from the airport, and lake. It never reads a true reading of Rotorua. I am always getting family and friends saying how cold Rotorua is according to the weather forecast on TV."
But Rotorua Night Market manager Brigitte Nelson said the trading over the winter months this year had "exceeded expectations".
"I actually think the temperature in town is irrelevant to whether people go out. It's the rain and wind that deter people."
Ms Nelson said she hadn't noticed a difference in temperature but if weather conditions varied in town compared to the airport, "perhaps MetService should look into putting another station in town".
MetService spokeswoman Elke Louw said "a couple of degrees difference" would not change public perception of the city's temperature.
"I don't think the difference will have too much impact on how people perceive Rotorua because it is not by a drastic amount. We are aware the Rotorua airport is a bit far out of town, but people will likely expect slight variances in temperature and there won't be much change in what a person feels, compared with what is recorded."
Ms Louw said to set up another weather station closer to the city, "other factors would need to be considered".
"First the council would have to request another station and then we would need to look at suitable locations where it won't be vandalised."
What do you think?
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