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Sharp Tudhope Lawyers acknowledge former partners
With a combined 129 years of experience, former partners at Sharp Tudhope Lawyers, John Gordon, Bill Chapman and Alasdair Christie, have transitioned into consultant roles.
The firm is pleased the trio has chosen to stay part of the team as the three men takea step towards having some extra time to pursue interests outside of the office.
Chair of Partners, Hamish Murray, said the success of the firm today was a result of the commitment of their former partners.
"Sharp Tudhope is measured by our contribution to this region and our clients. The work of our former partners has ensured our position today as one of the region's leading legal firms.
John Gordon, Alasdair Christie and Bill Chapman. Photo / Supplied
"We are therefore delighted that, whilst John, Bill and Alasdair wish to reduce their day-to-day involvement in the firm, they are remaining with us in consultant roles."
The firm has recently celebrated 125 years in business and Murray said it all comes down to the people.
"Across business, social and community sectors, we believe in making a difference. We've done so, for 125 years, thanks to the dedication of our people like former partners John, Bill and Alasdair.
"We are now going through an exciting phase with the recruitment of a number of talented senior lawyers that we can't wait to introduce to our clients..."
John Gordon said the three men were proud of the contributions made to the firm during their tenure.
"The business has great staff and clients. Sharp Tudhope is well-positioned for the future and we will continue to be part of the firm's success."
Quayside Holdings announces CEO resignation
Scott Hamilton has announced he will step down from his role as Quayside Holdings Limited chief executive to explore new opportunities for himself and his family after 12 years at the helm.
During Hamilton's tenure, Quayside has grown to net assets exceeding $3 billion and diversified well beyond a majority shareholding in the Port of Tauranga.
Under Hamilton's leadership, Quayside is on track in 2022 to provide a record $40 million dividend to our shareholder, the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. On the back of this, and in our 30th year of operation, Hamilton believes the time is right to pursue new challenges.
Sir Robert McLeod, Quayside's chairman said Hamilton's enthusiasm for the outcomes that Quayside provides to the regional community was unparalleled.
"We thank him for his commitment over the last 12 years, which is evidenced by the sustained growth and successful diversification of Quayside."
Chairman of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Doug Leeder, said Hamilton has been instrumental in driving the company's commercial outcomes for the benefit of the Bay of Plenty.
"Quayside is an enviable investment model in Aotearoa, achieving long-term intergenerational value for its community.
"Scott has woven commercial drive with a community focus that is important to all in the Bay."
Hamilton said with Quayside's ongoing strong commercial returns, as well as organisational and capability growth, the time was right to take on new opportunities.
"I am proud of the long-lasting impact Quayside has had, and will continue to have, on the Bay of Plenty".
Quayside will partner with an executive search firm to appoint a replacement. Hamilton will remain chief executive to assist with the transition to his successor.
Sustainable investment strategy delivers for BayTrust
Financial institution BayTrust has been enjoying record returns after overhauling its investment strategy to slash its own carbon footprint.
The company was now championing its sustainable investing approach to other trusts throughout New Zealand.
To align with its purpose of ensuring Bay of Plenty communities and the environment flourish, BayTrust is working to ensure its entire $250m-plus investment portfolio is truly sustainable by 2030.
It aims to do that by only investing in companies that provide goods and services consistent with a low-carbon, prosperous, equitable, healthy and safe society.
In a media statement, the company said it was already well on its way to achieving its short-term goal of halving its carbon exposure by 2025. BayTrust recorded 24.3 per cent in the last financial year.
BayTrust chief executive Alastair Rhodes said when he first joined BayTrust, it had exposure to stocks such as tobacco, armaments and fossil fuels producers.
"It was very traditional. Effectively the primary question for our investment advisors and the trust was 'what is the financial risk' and 'what is the financial return?' The impacts of these investments were not considered.
"Now we are putting climate change risk and opportunities, as well as sustainability, at the heart of every investment decision we make to align with our core purpose of ensuring Bay of Plenty communities and our environment can flourish.
"We fundamentally believe this approach is going to provide superior financial returns as this is where the best and brightest want to work, where capital is flowing and where the regulatory environment is supportive."
BayTrust's success was being shared with other leading New Zealand trusts, which collectively manage over $5 billion worth of funds and distribute profits to their local community organisations, groups and projects.
Rhodes recently shared BayTrust's journey with representatives of the community trusts of Aotearoa New Zealand, which initiated 'The Funders Commitment on Climate Action' to better understand climate action needs, issues and opportunities, show leadership, and share learnings and undertake individual and collective action on these issues.
He urged fellow trusts to act immediately.
"If you set targets for 2040 or 2050 it's kicking the can too far down the road, and increasingly climate change evidence points to the fact we only have five or 10 years to act to mitigate the worst long-term impacts.
"If you set targets that are only three or four years out, that means you have to start now and you can't ignore those deadlines."
BayTrust investment committee chairman Steve Napier said a sinking lid policy was initially applied to reduce BayTrust's exposure to fossil fuels before its SIPO (statement of investment policy and objectives) was updated to ensure it aligned with its sustainability ambitions.
"For every single investment decision, we now not only look at its financial risk and return but also its impact which includes social and environmental as well as our Te Tiriti o Waitangi commitments.
"Every fund manager we look to invest in, we measure against these things, and the investment needs to improve upon what we've already got to assist with our 2030 goal of being truly sustainable."
Apprentices go hammer-to-hammer
Building apprentices from across the Bay of Plenty will battle it out today at the New Zealand Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge sponsored by ITM.
Competing for the title of the Bay of Plenty's NZCB Apprentice Challenge winner, and a spot in the national final, the apprentices will be tasked with completing a challenging project over eight hours that will put their skills to the test.
After the 2021 NZCB Apprentice Challenge had a record number of entries across the country, anticipation is building for this year's competition.
This year's challenge will see each apprentice build a park bench, the design plans for which are revealed one week ahead of the competition. The day-long challenge requires proficiency in a raft of carpentry skills, with a focus on attention to detail and time management.
To decide the winner, a judging panel of building practitioners and industry educators will assess each apprentice's technical skills and technique, the quality of their workmanship, precision of measuring and cutting, assembly and ability to work to a detailed plan – all while working against the clock.
Each park bench must meet minimum safety standards, and competitors will be provided with durable, trade-quality timber and materials from ITM to complete the project.
The Tauranga event will be held at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, 70 Windermere Drive, Poike and is open to the public to attend and support local building talent.
The Rotorua event will be held at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology - Mokoia Campus, Mokoia Drive, Tihiotonga.
The Tauranga and Rotorua events are two of 20 regional NZCB Apprentice Challenges being held around the country.
These events are sponsored by ITM and held in conjunction with the Industry Training Association Building (ITAB) and Apprenticeship Scholarship Trust.
The winner of each regional event will go on to represent their region in the national NZCB Apprentice Challenge Sponsored by ITM Final, at the NZCB Annual Conference and Expo in Hamilton.
New pulse survey to provide insight into Rotorua economy
RotoruaNZ and the Rotorua Business Chamber have partnered on a new project that aims to provide greater insight into the Rotorua economy.
The Rotorua Business Pulse will be a survey that is conducted every six months to gather regular feedback on the state of the Rotorua economy from the perspective of business owners.
Justin Kimberley, research and insights manager for RotoruaNZ, said the survey will provide an opportunity for all Rotorua businesses to be involved.
"The survey will allow all business owners, CEOs, general managers or similar, to share their thoughts on the wider business sector as well as their own business.
"The results of the survey will then be used by RotoruaNZ and the Chamber to identify areas for support and advocacy, and will also be shared with the wider business community."
More than 100 local businesses have already signed up to receive the survey, which is part of a broader effort to make data more accessible.
RotoruaNZ recently launched two separate data dashboards for both accommodation and insights, which are available on the RotoruaNZ website.
"It's really encouraging to see that a lot of people have already signed up and are keen to participate.
"The results will enable businesses to better understand how their business outlook compares to the rest of Rotorua across key areas such as staffing, business performance and investments."