Stroll down virtually any suburban street during the day and apart from the occasional drone of a weed trimmer or lawnmower, you can hear the sound of a swishing paintbrush six doors away.
But come night time, that same street could become a battlefield of fights, flying booze bottles and deafening music. This is when the little kids are tucked up in their beds and the big ones come out to play.
Rue du Tilford in Christchurch is one such street. Christchurch's rowdiest house for several years and infamous for late-night drumming sessions is driving the neighbours bonkers. And do the occupants give a damn? Nah. With 71 complaints made about the noise coming from "a particular" Tilford St house over a period of 12 months, it would be fair to say that the tenants are turning a deaf ear to the complaints.
It would also be fair to say that the actions of the local council are ineffective. Ironic too, that the council will not name the exact house, where a search on Google Earth's Street View will beam you right to the front gate.
One of the house's two occupants, the elegantly named 16-year-old Shadow Virtue-Paul, confirmed this week that he is "proud" that his house has the reputation of being the city's most complained about. "It's fantastic" he claims. "We've thrown a few parties. We had 300 to 400 people here on New Year's Eve."