Q: Who pays for water in the Rotorua District and when are council water rates due for payment? Do I have to come into the council or post a cheque to pay them?
A: Rural residents, farms and all commercial and industrial businesses have their water metered. They pay per 1000 litres of water used, with a minimum charge payable.
Home owners in the urban area do not pay for metered water, but pay $213.90 a year, including GST, no matter how big the home.
The council has discussed universal water metering in the past and has signalled it will be considered as part of each three-yearly long-term plan process, but at this stage it is not cost-effective to retro-fit every house in the district with water meters. However, all new major developments will have meters on each connection.
Water rates for urban residential property owners are included with quarterly rates bills. Meters are read quarterly and separate water bills are sent to metered users in February, May, August and November with payment dates shown on the invoices.