Hundreds of people descended on the Rotorua RSA at the end of official Anzac Day services in the city.
It was estimated that almost 4000 people attended the morning's dawn service at Ohinemutu while about 2500 people followed the parade to the Energy Events Centre for the Rotorua Civic Memorial Service which began at 9.30am.
The parade marched from Fenton St, down Queen's Drive, pausing at the Rotorua District Field of Remembrance next to the cenotaph in the Government Gardens to honour the region's World War I dead, before arriving at the Energy Events Centre around 9.30am.
Image 1 of 20: Dawn service at Muruika war cemetery at Ohinemutu Photo/Ben Fraser
The Civic Memorial Service was led by Rotorua mayor Steve Chadwick and featured music from Evelyn Falconer, Rotorua Brass and the City of Rotorua Highland Pipe Band.