This year's Anzac Day Civic Memorial Service in Rotorua promises to be another memorable occasion.
It will begin with a dawn service at Ohinemutu's Muruika Urupa on the shores of Lake Rotorua. A parade will begin at 5.40am from Te Papaiouru Marae, heading to the neighbouring urupa about 5.45am.
Reverend Tom Poata and Father Peter Card will officiate at the dawn ceremony, where guest speaker Major General (retired) Kenneth Gordon CVE will address those attending.
The civic service, commemorating the 99th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings by New Zealand and Australian combined military forces, will follow at the Rotorua Energy Events Centre at 9.30am.
The service will start with a parade of service personnel, school parties, cadet corps and local community groups assembling at the Lakefront at the intersection of Whakaue St and Fenton St at 8.50am before marching, via Government Gardens, to the events centre at 9.20am ready for the service to begin at 9.30am.