Rotorua and Bay of Plenty residents could only wait with anticipation as the skies grew dark and the temperature fell around them yesterday afternoon.
While the build-up was gradual, when the storm finally hit about 3.45pm, people living on the Rangitaiki Plains were treated to thunder, lightning, hail and torrential rain within a short space of time.
First up was the thunder that began rolling minutes before lightning ripped across the sky and then hailstones rained down on Rotorua, Te Teko, Edgecumbe and Otakiri. Onepu man Dave Erdbeer was visiting a friend near Te Teko yesterday afternoon and knew a storm was brewing.
"The sky went pretty black then the thunder and lightning started," Mr Erdbeer said.
"We knew hail was coming when it got so cold but the amount that came down was not expected."