Do it once, do it right and do it fairly were the key messages delivered to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council at a meeting set up to discuss future rules around the protection of Lake Rotorua.
The sometimes heated gathering was set up by members of the group Protect Rotorua who are unhappy with the way the regional council is forming its draft Lake Rotorua nutrient rules which aim to reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorous entering the lake.
About 60 people attended yesterday's meeting at the Distinction Hotel, including six regional councillors and some regional council staff.
Members of the group told the Rotorua Daily Post they were frustrated that regional council staff did not address all of their concerns raised at a previous meeting, but were also pleased the regional council was now taking concerns seriously.
The group was concerned new rules could make their land uneconomical to farm, lower land values and impose tough restrictions on land use, and had engaged high-profile lawyer Mai Chen to help their cause.