Today marks one year since Rotorua Daily Post readers were first able to get their hands on a compact version of the newspaper in time to read it with their morning cup of coffee.
Yes, it's been 12 months since changes were made that saw the newspaper move from the larger broadsheet form to compact size and delivered in the morning.
They are changes which Rotorua children's author and local personality Aunty Bea Yates said had made the newspaper "even more fantastic".
Aunty Bea, who has been a Rotorua Daily Post subscriber for many years, said the newspaper's smaller layout had made it much easier to read.
"It's just fabulous, it's so easy to read, I don't have to clumsily fumble with big bulky pages and it doesn't take up all the room on the table when I'm having my cup of tea in the morning," she said.