Film Review: Secrets of Dumbledore, not just for Harry Potter fans
FILM REVIEW: Jen Shieff gives her thoughts on the latest Fantastic Beasts film.
FILM REVIEW: Jen Shieff gives her thoughts on the latest Fantastic Beasts film.
"The rising cost of living will be taking a toll on tenants"
Parties say no decisions made but local MP 'extremely' worried.
The victim had to be extracted using rescue equipment after the early-morning crash.
A routine stop ended with shots fired at officers and the gunman running away.
The number of rescue missions was up 57 per cent on the previous month
The council says it will likely be costly not to implement it.
Applications for BayTrust's annual Community Amenities Fund open on April 26.
Local schools were a sea of blue and yellow in support of Ukraine.
Algal blooms prompted the warnings in December.
The dawn ceremony was led by members of Te Arawa.
The new shield will be up for grabs at shows throughout the North Island.
Julia is a strong advocate of using fly fishing to get the family out and about.
The traffic light setting means gathering limits are scrapped and mask rules relaxed.
The regional council's plan to build a stopbank along the river has upset local residents.
There is a range of programmes and events on during the April school holidays.
Locals and visitors are invited to attend several free Anzac commemorations in Rotorua
Paul Hickey discusses Easter family time, sad and happy songs, prize trip away with Kia.
Athletics NZ received a grant from NZCT for costs associated with Rotorua Marathon.
Food personality Annabelle White says, 'Hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast is easy and fun'.
MetService has lifted all weather warnings.
Through generosity of local artists, an art auction has been set up to help Ukrainians.
Jonny Mills wins Rotorua's NZCB Apprentice Challenge sponsored by ITM.
OPINION: Some suggestions for the future of the land are short-sighted.
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A truck rolled about 12.30am.
Orange light the news some were praying for, but niggles over face masks flare up.
The houses will be delivered regularly through to the end of June.
Some hotels are already booked and businesses are seeing a light through the fog.
At a lot of places, masks will no longer be required - including in schools.