Subscribers weigh in on why the face on our money matters
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency confirmed the speed limit changes today.
The 145 workers were locked out on August 9.
Local school teacher says housing and homelessness are his top election issues.
Taupō houses feature in the BOP - Central Plateau Master Builders House of the Year.
The sculpture was installed in 1992.
Instead of complaining and blaming, let's all focus on the remedies.
A man allegedly stole items from both businesses.
Tuterangiwhiu Grant-Cairns decided to do something about a lack of resources to learn reo.
RDRR member Rob Lee explains why he decided to get off the couch and run for council.
Meanwhile, McLeods Booksellers is on the move to a new location
Since August 9, 145 workers have been locked out of their workplace over a dispute in pay.
From 'what's for dinner' to eating in 15 minutes. Waste nothing cookbook for the time poor
More than 61 per cent of voters said no to Te Ūpokorehe being removed from the settlement.
From now on there will be weekly Covid updates every Monday.
The decision has been made to not restart the Rotorua Farmers Market in 2022.
People are losing faith in Rotorua, says first-time general ward candidate Steve Pinder.
The public holiday will be called 'Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day'.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
One candidate thinks a 'taskforce' needs to be set up
OPINION: Lots moved on from Covid-19 a long time ago but there is reason to be cautious.
Thousands of young rugby players return to Taupō this week for the Junior Rugby Festival
Median house prices also rose month on month in Tauranga and Rotorua.
The one-off public holiday to mark the death of the Queen will be on September 26.
Kumar throws his hat in the ring for mayoralty.
Among the reasons for the closure was that they could not get insurance for the property.
Shoplifter accepted the risk of returning to prison, court hears.
'I'm a big, fat, funny clown, and that's not the image they probably want to have.'
The Covid-19 traffic light system and mask requirements have ended.
Mercia-Dawn Yates discusses why she decided to run for a second term on council.