Father, daughter were going to pull over for a break before fatal crash
A father was killed in the crash and his daughter was injured.
A father was killed in the crash and his daughter was injured.
Spring has arrived and so too has this week's recipe for potato and parsnip gnocchi.
Who's the greatest dog you've ever known?
Taupō's Jen Shieff reviews 'Don't Worry Darling' and finds out all is not as it seems.
Majestic Princess is the first of over 100 cruise ships scheduled to visit the region.
A third quarter comeback has helped the Silver Ferns to a 2-0 lead.
Got business news? Email news@bayofplentytimes.co.nz
'We had to salvage what we could.'
OPINION: If we can face our fear of co-governance and do it, we'll be richer for it.
Dawn Picken hopes her memoir will help others dealing with their own grief journey
OPINION: So how does one qualify for their honorary MBA qualification?
Columnist's memoir provides hope for people who grieve while raising money for charity.
Special votes have been counted, the final results are now in for the regional council.
Robbie Coltrane "will probably be best remembered for decades to come as Hagrid."
Biggest driver of share prices over the long-term is earnings companies are generating.
Missy Rehu has got off the streets and into housing.
Rotorua teenager Nikau Chater performed with Sol3 Mio at Spark Arena this week.
"I struggle every day - mentally, physically, everything."
The Lake Tarawera Spring Fair is on Saturday, October 23, at Stoney Point Reserve.
World Osteoporosis Day is observed annually on October 20.
The new carpark will be available to use from 4.30pm today.
It was an early start for those supporting the Child Cancer Foundation's work.
Police recovered the vehicle last week and forensic testing is under way.
Paul Hickey discusses tricky weather, ram raids, coloured food, and Trunk or Treat.
OPINION: Things seem a lot harder now than when I was a child, writes Sonya Bateson.
"If successful, it's research that can be commercially adopted."
Rotorua English Language Academy is open again after a long closure due to covid.
Samuel Purdie is a herpetologist who has a book coming out this month.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
Brooklyn Johns, 11, secured a highly commended title in Solve For Tomorrow 2022.