Kāhu ki Rotorua: Tupuna jealously guarded ancient taonga
Te Arawa ancestors carried many tangible gifts from Hāwaiki Tawhitiareare.
Te Arawa ancestors carried many tangible gifts from Hāwaiki Tawhitiareare.
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Kāhu ki Rotorua: TALT ensures lakes in good health.
'MBIE haven’t got off their - um, haven’t done their job yet.'
Coffey made the announcement on Facebook this afternoon.
Ngāi Te Rangi says it's 'an opportunity to diversify our investment portfolio'.
Police were called to the crash about 10.10am.
OPINION: Subscribers have their say.
Jordan Rangitoheriri's first public interview reflecting on the tragic loss of his son.
Building consent valued issues for $16m for a five-story office building.
Rotorua's council will consider the agreement on Thursday.
Dramatic bluffs and family-friendly tracks await summer explorers of all ages
Big drums, big horns, big guitars, big synths - everything is big with Mazbou Q.
The crash also left four people injured.
NASA astronaut and microbiologist Dr Kate Rubins is visiting Rotorua in January.
Lakeside 25 - the 25th outdoor concert to be held on March 11 next year - was launched last night.
But a swift community response is helping the distraught family pick up the pieces.
Rotorua Mayor Tania Tapsell led a 'smash ceremony' this morning.
Joshua Shoebridge, 23, was third in the NZ Certified Builders Apprentice Challenge.
OPINION: Readers have their say.
The decision to destroy huts in Te Urewera has been challenged and blocked by iwi members.
OPINION: When you consider the things young people can already do, this just makes sense.
The Bay of Plenty Sports Awards will be held on Friday.
Police responded to a burglary at a commercial premise in Mangakakahi.
Toi Ohomai barista students held a Cans for a Coffee event to support the appeal.
There are road closures in Waikato and Bay of Plenty.
Next year's Lakeside concert is back after two years of cancellations.
Kāinga Ora representatives will attend a meeting on Monday over its Devon St project.
People have until Thursday this week to register their interest in the Government's plan.
Kāinga Ora wants to see most of Glenholme zoned for high-rise development.