Latest fromRotorua Daily Post

'Raw anger': Company that blamed teen for slingshot eye injury found at fault
Family took action after WorkSafe chose not to prosecute over incident on school trip.

Night of sparkles: Dance pair prepare for big hospice fundraiser
Rotorua Community Hospice needs to raise $1 million each year.

Opinion: Quiet quitters should just quit
Opinion: You are more likely to be promoted if you have a can-do, will-do attitude.

Mark Lister: House prices have bottomed, but where might they go from here?
OPINION: Where the new 'normal' for mortgage rates might settle.

Rotorua ram raids: Another Ngongotaha Rd business targeted
CCTV footage shows two cars pulling up, while one rams the front of the store.

Lonely? How to make a new best friend in adulthood
While you can ask someone, “Are you single?”, there's no question, “Are you friended?”

'He was taking the vape all the time'
Karen Church discusses the impact a nearly four-year vaping addiction had on her 17-year-old son. Video / Alex Cairns

'He was ... going berserk': Families of teen vaping addicts speak out
Others say vaping 'ripped' a family apart and left a teen looking 'like death'.

Merepeka Raukawa-Tait: Only luck has prevented more tragedies like Loafers Lodge
OPINION: Boarding houses were common in many New Zealand towns and cities after the war.

'Quiet and cold': Town at centre of homicide very different to days earlier
'I just hope the police are able to find some answers now for the family.'

Premium Debate: Quiet quitting makes sense if extra effort only gets you more work
OPINION: Subscribers have their say.

Fire investigators say heater suspected cause of Gibson St house fire
"People don’t realise how hot things are."

Volleyballer not afraid of hard grind for Thailand trip
Teen dedicated to honing his skills and helping train other volleyball players.

Te Arawa Lakes Trust appoints new chief executive
The recruitment process for this role was extensive.

Kāhu ki Rotorua: Elderly chief devastated when services refused
“You say I am too old. Behold me dance."

Stumped for superlatives! Brilliant ahurei brings hundreds of whanau home
Waiata and haka cherry on top of fabulous time of remembrance.

Rotorua lakes checked for invasive gold clam
They can clog up water-based infrastructure.

Te Pūkenga proposal would cut more than 400 jobs
The national vocational education organisation has been briefing its 10,000 staff.

Ōpotiki teachers and students attended gang leader’s tangi
“We all share whakapapa (family ties).”

Govt funding of $52m for 'gold-star luxury' spa has 'really paid off', says PM
'We made those targeted investments where they were needed to keep our economy going.'

New industrial park announced will address city growth, but no 'concrete jungle'
The Māori land near Waipā has recently been cleared of forestry and stage one is underway.

A walk down memory lane
The Monday Walkers take a nostalgic trip to honour the group's founders.

Mongrel Mob death: New laws aimed at cracking down on gangs used for first time
East Coast MP Kiri Allan says her community was in "anguish and fear".

Firefighters join neighbours with hoses to fight house fire
At least two fire engines were called.

Crispian Stewart: NZ Māori football selection includes Rotorua talent
Opinion: NZ Māori are sending their esteemed tane and wahine teams to tour Australia.

White Island Tours pleads guilty to two charges laid over eruption tragedy
White Island Tours clients and two employees died in eruption.

'Collecting rubbish from the streets': Film-maker says wrong picture being painted of Ōpōtiki
Kim Webby rejects political spin that town was held to ransom by the Mob.

Mongrel Mob death: PM hits out over gang disruption in towns
'It’s not okay that schools ended up being closed because of safety concerns.'

BOP and Waikato's best new architecture projects celebrated
21 projects were winners on the night.