There's no denying that as well as the culture and geothermal attractions, Rotorua is famous for its lakes. A number of our 14 lakes were nominated to be included on this list, but it wouldn't be fair to highlight one above all others so today's essential is all of our lakes.
The lake central to most is Lake Rotorua. It is accessible at a number of points, including the boatramp at Sulphur Point, another ramp behind the Soundshell and beaches on the northern side.
Give yourself half an hour or so and you could access Lake Okareka, Lake Okaro, Lake Rotomahana, Lake Rerewhakaaitu, Tikitapu (Blue Lake), Lake Tarawera, Lake Rotoiti, Lake Rotoehu, Lake Rotoma, Lake Okataina, Lake Rotokakahi, Lake Atiamuri and Lake Ohakuri.
Each has their own quirks and reasons for visiting them.
At Tikitapu you will find swimmers, kayakers and waterskiers sharing the water. Lake Okareka is another popular for watersports and swimming at Boyes Beach. Lake Tarawera has Hot Water Beach, accessible by boat, as well as prime fishing. Rotoiti has more fishing and hot water areas, Lake Rotoehu is shallow, Lake Rotoma good for a dip on the way to Whakatane. Some you wouldn't swim in, others can't be easily accessed - but are still nice to sit and stare at.