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Performing arts charitable trust
The Lakes Performing Arts Company is becoming a charitable trust.
The trust will be called the Performing Arts Charitable Trust but will trade as the Lakes Performing Arts Centre - LPAC.
The trust is launching new branding and a new website, as well as introducing anew management team.
The newly-appointed board trustees who will be taking on management roles within the centre include Quintin Brake as chairman, Rebecca Brake as treasurer and director of dance and education, and Helene Nicholson as secretary and director of arts and events.
Trustees include Natasha Benfell as director of drama, Ian Pirrie as director of music, and Kirsten Plowman and Laura Vaughan as third in charge of dance.
The centre will continue to run as normal, but everything will consistently be given back to the centre's students and community to improve and develop the arts.
Rotoiti Board shows crown/iwi co-management really can work
A tour on the waters of Lake Rotoiti will provide a platform to reflect on one of New Zealand's first Crown-Māori co-governance boards, which is celebrating 100 years since its establishment.
Lake Rotoiti Scenic Reserves Board (LRSRB) was established in 1921 to co-manage some of Rotorua most iconic areas, including Okere Falls and the Kaituna River.
The board was a way to ensure Ngāti Pikiao satisfied Crown demands for "scenic preservation" of the forested edges of Lake Rotoiti but also maintained control of tribal lands.
The reserves are now held in perpetuity for scenic and recreational value, for the public to enjoy and managed by the board which comprises five members of Ngāti Pikiao and one Crown representative.
Lake Rotoiti Scenic Reserve Board. Photo / Supplied
Ted Taiatini, who has been on the board for the past 30 years, says there were eight to 10 kaumatua at the time who negotiated with the Crown.
All the current board members whakapapa back to these elders.
"One of the reasons for the gifting of the lands to the people of Aotearoa was that we needed the Crown to help us to protect our history.
"People were desecrating urupā and taking artefacts overseas, timber was being chopped down and roaming livestock were damaging the native bush and sacred sites.
"By setting aside the lake-edge and other reserves for the benefit of all, we have managed to preserve not only the beauty of the whole area, but with it far more of its history than would otherwise be the case."
Fellow board member Keith Waaka agrees.
"While the relationship between both parties over the succeeding decades has not been a 'bunch of roses', both parties have persevered, and we now enjoy a mature and constructive partnership with the Crown through the Department of Conservation."
The board will mark its 100th anniversary on January 29 by taking a boat trip around the lake to visit places of significance.
A wide variety of events, including restoration planting days, volunteer day and Mataariki celebrations is planned for the rest of 2021.
Submissions open on proposed City Plan changes
In a growing city, it is crucial that council plans for today's but also for future generations. The council proposes changes to some City Plan rules to cater for this growth.
These changes aid in providing more housing capacity and to enable new developments and redevelopments to be managed in a way that reduces risk to property and lives.
Aerial view of Pāpāmoa. Photo / George Novak
Submissions are open on three proposed plan changes: Plan Change 26 – Housing choice, Plan Change 27 – Flooding from intense rainfall, and Plan Change 30 – Earthworks.
Submissions are open until 5pm on February 1.
Consultation documents providing details on the proposed plan changes along with the detailed proposals and information about how community members can give their feedback are available at, council's customer service centre and the city's libraries.
Volcanic Air launches new domestic-focused package
Volcanic Air Rotorua is launching a new Lakeside Picnic Getaway Package, specially designed with the domestic market in mind.
It is aimed at travellers who have been daydreaming of beachside getaways and tropical deserted islands but can't quite make it happen this year.
Departing from the Rotorua city Lakefront, the 90-minute package begins with a scenic float plane tour over Lake Rotorua, Mokoia Island and Rotorua's beautiful Northern crater lakes. Passengers then disembark at a beautiful, secluded beach on the Northern edge of Lake Rotoiti for an hour of delicious food, swimming and exploring. While they discover their private paradise, the pilot will set up the perfect picnic.
Ara Rau launches into 2021
New skills and employment hub Ara Rau will be open to the public next month for people seeking guidance and development, and businesses looking for support.
Ara Rau officially launched the skills and employment hub to the public on November 18 last year.
Since returning in 2021, Ara Rau has been busy forming the foundational services that will assist people along their pathfinding journey.
In addition, the team has been connecting with different businesses, services, and training providers to discuss how they can collaboratively create and raise awareness of meaningful opportunities across Tauranga Moana.
The hub itself will become a co-location space for employers and providers to utilise. They can run workshops, information sessions or accommodate meetings, and help to centralise opportunities for those looking to upskill and connect.
When it opens in February, Ara Rau will host a Kanorau Digital, a series of free digital literacy workshops to help anyone increase their knowledge and confidence in navigating everyday technology.
Ara Rau will be also supporting the upcoming "Rangatahi X" community event on February 27.
Priority One Pulse
In Priority One's Pulse this week, jobseeker numbers jumped by 167 in December across the Western Bay of Plenty - as usually happens at this time of year as students finish. There were 10 people fewer than December 2019.
There are only 69 people in Tauranga City and 19 people in Western Bay of Plenty remaining on the Covid-19 Income Relief Payment.
A total of 300 new job listings have been added on TradeMe and in the past two weeks for the Western Bay, with 1600 jobs advertised currently.