Joseph Los'e is the New Zealand Herald's Kaupapa Māori Editor.
Ko Taupiri te maunga Ko Waikato te awa Ko Ngāti Maniapoto, ko Tainui, ko Ngāti Tonga nga Iwi Ko Te Kotahitanga, ko Nehenehenui ngā marae Ko Wahanui te tipuna Ko Tavake Los’e rāua ko Kuini Cribb ōku mātua Ko Joseph Los’e tōku ingoa Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa

Time for the Ōpōtiki community to claim back their town - Mark Mitchell
The Police Minister fully backs gang crackdown.

Hearing you have cancer can be scary, but doesn’t mean your life’s over - Te Ururoa Flavell
The former MP will peddle for prostate at charity fundraiser.

Kīngi Tūheitia's successor named: Māoridom, politicians react
Leaders are acknowledging Ngā Wai hono i te pō as the new leader of the Kīngitanga.

Kīngi Tūheitia changed the face of Māori criminal offending through leadership - Wally Haumaha
Former top cop Wally Haumaha says the King's impact was enormous for Māori.

'Fantastic legacy': PM says Māori King Tūheitia was respected, appreciated by all
The Māori monarch had been in hospital recovering from heart surgery.

Aroha ki te tangata: Inside the lives of Māori wardens
Six Māori wardens showcased throughout the motu.

Brian Tamaki cancels drag queen event created by ex-Destiny Church member
Tamaki's team will put pressure on Hastings and Gisborne libraries to follow Rotorua.

Sean Wainui’s widow speaks of a ‘man of mana’ as the whānau unveils his beautiful headstone
The widow of Sean Wainui has spoken for the first time of her devastating loss.

Rawiri Waititi leaves election campaign to be with his mother
Māori Party co-leader's mum is in hospital.

12-year-old golfer's incredible gift after going global
Teen golfing sensations showered with equipment to help them take sport further.

‘I tried every diet - nothing worked': Mum of three details her weight loss success
Kiwis turn to virtual “inject” weight management programme in fight against obesity.

Tamaki's march against crime hopes to mobilise 1000-plus
Freedoms NZ leader Brian Tamaki wants to make crime the No.1 election issue

Te Pāti Māori wants Aotearoa to be the Switzerland of the South Pacific
John Tamihere says the New Zealand Defence Force should be a peackeeping force.

'Collecting rubbish from the streets': Film-maker says wrong picture being painted of Ōpōtiki
Kim Webby rejects political spin that town was held to ransom by the Mob.

Nikau Grace's waiata of self-discovery resonates across Aotearoa, challenges stereotypes
Singer-songwriter Nikau Grace is at a crossroads musically and culturally.

Dad of 12 says ‘it’s a miracle we all escaped’ burning Tokoroa home
Nooroa Paora thanks God for smoke alarms and for protecting his tamariki.

Ian Jones: New Zealand is blessed to have a guy like Mike King
Mike King's champions push themselves for mental health.

Hundreds of Māori switching to the Māori electoral roll
Te Pāti Maori push whānau to take the Māori electoral roll option

‘Because I’m a Māori’: Buck Shelford on his axing from the ABs and what’s wrong with the haka
All Blacks great 'Buck' Shelford was dumped and forgotten by the NZ Rugby Union.

Labour polling: Te Pāti Māori ahead in two electorates
Government Minister Peeni Henare goes for fourth-time win in Tamaki Makaurau.

Chur e hoa: It's all part of the new Oxford English Dictionary
Every day Māori words make it to the new Oxford Dictionary.

Awatere Douglas goes from the kitchen to the penthouse
Awatere Douglas started washing dishes at the Sudima Hotel he now manages.

Harvard-bound Medical student's desire to uplift Māori health inequalities
Māori student breaking a glass ceiling.

Miss Rotorua 2022: Merepeka Raukawa-Tait takes Te Arawa sash
Merepeka Raukawa-Tait loved the Miss Rotorua pageant experience

'I was called a racist c***': Te Pāti Māori wrongfully targeted over Labour policy
Te Pāti Māori say the number of threats against them has risen in last six months.

Top cop: Māori have to work together to sort gang problems and crime
Police Deputy Commissioner Wally Haumaha believes iwi, hapū and whānau hold the key.

'Bloody shock': Māori leader pursues German artist who stole his tā moko image
The altered photo is selling on Etsy for thousands of euros.

Bowel cancer is no joke says Kiwi entertainer and funny man
Howie Morrison Junior's plea to Māori and Pacific whānau to get checked.