Pirongia herd manager named New Zealand Dairy Trainee of the Year
Kirwyn Ellis was described by the judges as relaxed, thoughtful and mature.
Kirwyn Ellis was described by the judges as relaxed, thoughtful and mature.
Curly Jacobs says he soon learned to leave the Aussie wildlife alone.
A group of 'troubadours' will again gather and take to the stage.
The council has asked people to keep themselves and their pets from entering the waterway.
Hamilton councillors have been queried about their attendance.
What's up in the Waikato — short and sweet.
Extra funding for prison beds, staff and rehab programmes welcomed.
Tracey Slaughter is the first overseas winner of the Calibre Essay Prize.
The conditions of the patients are currently unknown.
FTN Motion co-founder talks about secret projects and doing business in Hamilton.
Jenga Youth Group work together to build a 100-metre hot dog and feed the whole school.
Do something different and make a salad with in-season persimmon.
Hamilton Musical Theatre presents Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd.
Isolated thunderstorms with possible strong wind gusts continue to affect the region.
Finalists will participate in both an online judging pre-event and on-site judging.
Two special places receive seal of approval from local tramping clubs.
New playgorund puzzles incorporate and relate to Te Awamutu War Memorial Park’s heritage.
Poppy the puppy had a tough start, but is ready to find a loving new home.
A board of inquiry will allow iwi to have input regarding the decision.
Low flying military aircraft expected over isolated Coromandel beach.
Plus: Find out if it's possible to see the aurora tonight.
The byelection was sparked by the resignation of Melaina Huaki.
Kio Kio United got their first win of the season when they hosted Leamington.
Hamilton's rates rises have drawn in a flood of feedback from the community.
Tinta Smith defeated Sequita Hemingway on Saturday.
The SH1 safety improvements are in the final stages.
The 26-year-old made a brief appearance in the Hamilton District Court today.
The $15 million marine project could add up to 100 jobs to the district.
The wētā are among the world’s largest insects, and are unique to Waikato.
Doco sheds light on the life of one of Europe's foremost leaders.