Majority of city councillors face rate hike
Andrew King's estimated rates savings has prompted his deputy to seek legal advice
Andrew King's estimated rates savings has prompted his deputy to seek legal advice
Waikato DHB has canned its controversial multi-million dollar virtual health service.
Find out how Hamilton's mayor's rates will change under the council's new rates proposal.
Dabchicks, grebes or weweia - only 2000 remain. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
The Autumn HomeXPO is on this weekend in Hamilton.
Keep New Zealand Beautiful (KNZB) this week launched an anti-litter campaign.
A proposed new way of calculating the city finances has councilors at each others throat
An immediate transition to capital value in Hamilton is causing confusion.
The Waikato Regional theatre proposal has raised concerns from the public
Hamilton's Community Men Shed began in March 2008
Hamilton Mayor Andrew King called Waipa's decision a lost opportunity.
Hamilton school girl becomes the youngest member of the 2018 Black Ferns sevens squad
Government must listen to the many New Zealanders who have submitted their opposition.
Benneydale kids learn about animal genetics on the farm. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Melville United take an early lead at the top of the table in the Lotto Division One.
Matamata-Piako Civic Centre to be unveiled on April 14. Made with funding from NZ on Air.
RAW is a story about restoring hope, self-belief and unleashing human potential.
Dr Jonno Hill will step into the company's chief executive officer role in May.
Council will continue to work for a fuel tax for Hamilton
Status quo prevails for Dame Hilda Ross Plaza
The classic Easter Egg hunt claimed a few victims last year.
Mayor Andrew King has called the treatment of the Chief executive shocking.
Councillors raised concerns over misleading statements
The public has been encouraged to make their say on Hamilton's 10-year plan.
"It's infrastructure, infrastructure infrastructure." Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Audit NZ will review process Hamilton City Council took around inner city park expansion.
King says he's told anyone who will listen about his vision for a bigger river-facing park
The winter football league has kicked off in Hamilton
The driver has been cut free from the truck and being treated by St John Ambulance staff.