Hamilton - Auckland commuter train arrives right on time
The new Te Huia service arrived at Papakura station on schedule.
The new Te Huia service arrived at Papakura station on schedule.
Public get a chance for a sneak peak at Te Huia train open days this weekend.
Waikato continues to set the benchmark in public transport for the disabled community.
Justice Mary Peters summarised the case before sending the jury out about 1pm.
Two return weekday trips to Papakura with pick ups at Frankton, Rotokauri and Huntly.
Paint, cylinders, human faeces and even a hand gun have stopped recycling sorting lines.
All recycling needs to be rinsed clean before being put into crates.
Discounted tattoos for donated food in Huntly. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Taukiri Makaira Cash undertook a two-month spree of sexual offending against young girls.
The Road Ahead poses risks for our way of life - how does our economy save us?
Police have confirmed the officer was hit while laying road spikes in Huntly.
Protecting people and their property number one priority for Waikato District Council.
A space for Waikato's Pacific people to celebrate and maintain practices and traditions.
Matariki heralds the start of Māori New Year and is a time of sharing and festivity.
Rates increase slightly less than original Long Term Plan proposal.
Main areas of focus are Raglan, Whatawhata and Te Kowhai, and Tuakau.
Electricity network companies lead the way with OpenLoop.
Ensure your car is safe, roadworthy and well equipped for winter driving.
Scan the QR code at the bottom of the track to help with contact tracing.
Money will provide schools and farmers with seeds for crops, watering systems and goats.
Improvements will increase capacity for commercial, recreational and charter boats.
Smaller projects in the $50,000 to $500,000 and up range.
Maximum visitor numbers and contact tracing will be in place across the district.
DOC and WDC share concerns that people will not be able to maintain physical distancing.
Hunters must comply with the restrictions of alert level 2 while hunting and travelling.
More important than ever to celebrate Waikato's business community.
Restrictions prohibit the residential use of outdoor hoses and water blasters.
Since March 31, the regional centre has received more than 2300 calls for assistance.