Wharepapa South Branch of Rural Women New Zealand recently celebrated its 80th birthday with a gathering of past and present members at Fahrenheit restaurant & bar.
It was a relaxed and informal affair with attendees given the opportunity to share some of their memories. Many spoke of the uniqueness of the Wharepapa South community, something they have missed greatly and have never been able to quite find again, once they moved from the district.
Others told how their now-grown children regard Wharepapa South as "home" no matter whether they were here for their lifetime or just one season. One spoke of the help her whole family received from the Homecare system when she broke her leg. Homecare was set up to provide affordable home help for mothers suffering from ill health or overwork, or at childbirth.
Photos, old minutes books and newspaper cuttings carefully stored were available to jog memories.
Laughter was heard on more than one occasion as attendees recognised themselves in the various photos, followed by the inevitable questioning of what was that for, or who organised that?