Water restrictions have been lifted in Hamilton.
Hamilton City Council's City Waters Manager Maire Porter said with summer officially over and daylight saving ending this weekend, the Council is confident water demand will remain at a sustainable level without the need for water restrictions.
"A big thank you to residents for sticking to water restrictions over what has been a very long, dry summer. We appreciate the extra effort made to reduce water use during this time," Ms Porter says.
Hamilton along with the rest of New Zealand experienced a long, dry summer with little rain and higher than average temperatures. Water use peaked in January and February, and was 14 per cent higher than the city's average daily consumption for this time of year.
"Even though there are no water restrictions in place we still need residents to use water sustainably and responsibly. We all have a part to play in conserving water, both now and in the future so we can continue to meet the water demand needs of our growing city," Ms Porter said.