The council is seeking feedback on the library fine proposal as well as all other proposed fees and charges for the 2023-24 financial year.
A four-week consultation period opened on Tuesday with submissions closing at 5pm, on Friday, April 14.
Te Awamutu Courier reporter Kate Durie spoke to Waipā library users.
Wintec student Rede McLean says it’s probably a good idea because it removes a barrier for people to use a library.
“If there isn’t the pressure of a fine hanging over you, you’re more likely to go and use the library.
“The more you go to the library, the more books you read, the more you learn, the more you grow as a person,” says Rede.
“The fines are there in a sense to stop people from hanging on to books; if that’s the case, I think leave them in so people can read the books sooner,” says Michael Bell.
“I think it’s a great idea, the fees don’t impact me personally as I have a fulltime job and I borrow a few books and return them on time. But for the wider community I think it would be a great idea,” says Simon Shaw.
It is proposed most council fees remain the same as the current 2022-23 year. However, some items will have an increase of up to 5 per cent, reflecting inflation.
Council is proposing to introduce some new fees for dog control, building control and food and health premises registrations.
Submissions on the proposed changes can be made online, via email or through a hard-copy submission delivered to council offices or libraries in Cambridge and Te Awamutu.
Hearings and deliberations are scheduled to take place on Tuesday, May 2, with the council meeting to adopt the new fees and charges to be held in late May.
Fees and charges are reviewed and updated annually and are applicable for the 2023-24 year, commencing on July 1.
More information about fees and charges and submission forms is available on the council website at This information includes the full Schedule of Fees and Charges 2023-24 and the statement of proposal outlining reasons for the proposed changes.