Seven thousand native plants grown at Waikeria Prison have been donated to the Department of Conservation (DoC) and planted in internationally significant Whangamarino wetland in the Waikato this month.
The plants, eco-sourced from Waikeria Prison's Horticulture Training Nursery near Te Awamutu, are a product of the intensive training programme to prepare learners for employment in production horticulture.
Over the last two years, Waikeria has increased plant production from 50,000 per year to around 90,000, with a view to delivering 25,000 plants to DoC over the next three years.
"We're excited about our collaboration with Waikeria Prison and the Department of Corrections," says DoC Partnerships Development adviser Wayne Green.
"This is a fantastic opportunity for us to work alongside the prison with people who want to give something back to their communities. The plants donated by Waikeria will enable us to rehabilitate grazing lands adjacent to wetland areas."