The Waihi Golf Club reported players had another great week, apart from one very wet day.
The Waihi Golf Club reported players had another great week, apart from one very wet day.
Waihi golfers had another good week, despite the wet weather on Thursday.
The Monday Vets had a well-attended day with ideal summer conditions allowing plenty of runs to assist the scoring. There were an astounding number of good scores, with 48 per cent of the field playing better than their handicap.
At the top were Thom Wallace and Denise Morgan both with excellent 43 points, just heading off Mavis Bruce and Gary Dunlop who both had 42 points.
They were followed by Andrew McLennan and Peter Hewitt with 41 points, while Roger Stiles and Judy Saunders finished with 40. Bob Hoggard, Ken Mustard, Tim Parish and Eddie Bruce all scored twos.
The Tuesday Nine Holes Section competition for the day was a mixed stableford, in which Lynda Thomson came first with 22 points.
Next were John Twemlow and Margaret Meldrum, both with 21 points, while Lorraine Meyer and Jenni Mora both finished with 20 points.
Some good scoring could also be seen among the Wednesday Ladies, which meant a tight finish for the stableford haggle this week.
Annette Hetherington won on a countback from Edna Connolly, both having 42 points, one ahead of Jenny Tubman with 41. Karen Lee and Denise McConnon both finished with 38 points.
The Hume Monthly Meatpack Tournament was seriously impacted by wind and rain.
The incessant rain soaked everyone and in the end, 14 per cent of the field called it quits and pulled out. After the recent number of high scores, the day’s weather saw a dramatic return to more winter-type scoring.
The major winners were Murray Fraser for the gross with 76 gross, while Mike Morrison won the nett with 71.
Peter Bramble had the top stableford with 36 points (a score that would have not won a prize last month!). Other winners in Division 1, were Alan Sarjant with 35, then Mark Tomsett, Terry Gerbich, Chris Pilmer and Andy Roach, all on 34.
Trevor Bush (Northland) had the only 33. In Division 2, Ian Diver had 35 and Ray Fisher 34, while Matthew Guptill and Vince Jones both finished with 33.
The Saturday Ladies played a stableford haggle and with the summer weather returning after Thursday, Karen Roche came in first with 40 points.
Next was Jane Wordley with 38, while Desley Rosevear had 37. Robin Kirby was next with 36 points. Robin Kirby and Karen Roche shared the hidden holes with 8 points.
While some Saturday Men matches were being played in the first round of the Beach Cup, the balance of the players contested stableford haggles.
In the Morning Haggles in Division 1, Vaughn Meads had the best score with 39 points, just ahead of Tayla Turnbull and Jim Powell, with both having 38. Paul Williams shot 36, while John Giffney had 35.
In Division 2, Des Crene had the round of the morning with 41 points, just one ahead of Francis Gascoigne on 40. Stephen Bailey was third with 39, while Eddie Bruce and Murray Margan had 38.
The Afternoon Haggle proved to be a real battle for the top spot, with three players coming in with 40 points. However, it was Trevor Coombes who won the countback over Michael Hurley and Paul Morgan.
There were also three players tied on 38 points: Mark Wickham, Alistair Cochrane, and Dave Oliver. Nic Davies, Jason Baldwin and Mike Rose all finished with 36 points.
Rodger Bagshaw is a life member of the Waihi Golf Club.