Since drought was announced, right-wing bloggers, left-wing bloggers and talkback callers have had a field day with Rural Assistance Payments, or RAPs, administered by Work and Income.
One blogger, 'Cactus Kate', sums up many a talkback caller; why should farmers get state bailouts, small businesses can't?
She wrote, "When people/trustees/companies sitting on million dollars of assets can apply for welfare assistance when the one major risk of their business pops up, why cannot anyone? No doubt the usual twaddle will be rolled out about farmers being the backbone of the nation etc ..."
That was her being mild too.
However, it seems to me that RAPs are the reason for all the tut-tutting and talkback abuse. No amount of saying you need to be bankrupt before you can get one seems to stop those who believe farmers are getting privileged treatment.