Te Awamutu College head students 2023, from left: Stella Quigley, Sarah Druce, Billy Ouston, Kirk Van Marrewijk. Photo / Dean Taylor
Te Awamutu College head students 2023, from left: Stella Quigley, Sarah Druce, Billy Ouston, Kirk Van Marrewijk. Photo / Dean Taylor
The new team of head students for Te Awamutu College are thoroughly enjoying their leadership roles and say they feel they have already achieved a lot.
Billy Ouston, Kirk Van Marrewijk, Sarah Drucce and Stella Quigley were announced as the 2023 Te Awamutu College head students at last year’s senior prizegiving.
They also work alongside student Board of Trustees representative Avé Culpan, elected last year, forming the senior student leader group.
The four head students say they were quickly able to work out their roles and form an effective team.
They say they have been well-received by the student body and the community.
Already, the students have been running school assembles, played a role in Te Awamutu’s Anzac Day commemorations and attended a ‘Heads Up’ day with student leaders from other Waikato secondary schools.
They agree the extra responsibilities mean making some sacrifices, but with help from the supportive staff and good organisation, the rewards make it worthwhile.
This year, Billy is taking media studies, mathematics, outdoor education, sport elite and sport and recreation. He has attained NCEA Levels 1 and 2 and hopes to get Level 3.
“I have achieved these by being conscientious and applying myself,” says Billy.
Billy is very passionate about sports and recreation, his main sport being rugby, where he was lucky enough to make the 1st XV last year.
Throughout the year, he would love to enhance the great things that already happen at this school such as the opportunities for all different students in sports and education.
“A key aspiration of mine for the year is to, of course, hold on to the Waipā Cup by defeating Cambridge again, and then further the season by hopefully getting redemption and winning our division.
“The main focus of mine for the year is to make the most of Year 13 and really enjoy my final year at school. But I’m currently just keeping my options open for my future.
“[I’m] playing rugby for my local club, Te Awamutu Sports, and I have played a number of other local sports too. I love being outdoors, whether it be on land or the ocean - hunting, fishing and playing rugby are my favourite hobbies. I belong to the Kāwhia Fishing Club and spend most of my weekends out there with friends and family,” says Billy.
“The main focus of mine for the year is to just enjoy my last year at school and have fun while it lasts,” adds Billy.
Kirk Van Marrewiik
Kirk is originally from Te Aroha but moved to Ōhaupō when he was seven with his parents, who are dairy farmers. He attended a variety of different primary schools such as Elstow-Waihou over in Te Aroha, Ōhaupō School and Kio Kio School.
The subjects Kirk is taking this year are biology, mathematics and statistics, English, sport elite and sports science. Sport is a very important thing in his life, but he strives to find a good balance between his social life, sports and school workload.
He has played multiple sports for Te Awamutu College such as basketball in Year 9 - he also played in the Under-15 and Development 15 rugby teams in Year 10 and Year 11.
Kirk is currently training in traditional taekwon-do and Brazilian jiu-jitsu through Glenview Martial Arts. Another interest of his is music: he plays the bass and also sings in a band called the Pastafarians.
His goals for the year are getting his University Entrance, Level 3 NCEA qualification and enjoying every step of the way. Next year, he is planning to study a Bachelor of Physiotherapy at the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec).
“What I’m looking forward to this year is getting to know some of you and helping you throughout the school year. I am also looking forward to Kikorangi winning the house cup this year,” Kirk said to his fellow students.
Sarah started her journey at Te Awamutu College at the beginning of Year 9. Before Te Awamutu College, she attended Maihihi Primary School.
This year, she is taking sports science, chemistry, biology, mathematics and statistics and English. In her past two years of NCEA, she achieved Level 1 with Excellence and Level 2 with Merit and achieved Gold Distinction and Silver Excellence medallions.
Sarah has played for the 1st IX hockey team for the past four years and looks forward to the season ahead. She also loves to compete in motocross with her family and friends. Rock climbing and mountain biking are other sports that she enjoys taking part in at the college.
“Throughout my years here I have been challenged by my friends and family to try new sports, join committees, clubs and push myself further in school. With each challenge I faced, I found sports that I love and subjects that I enjoy,” says Sarah.
Her goals for 2023 are to fulfil her duties as head student, achieve NCEA Level 3 and continue to develop her skills in her chosen sports.
Next year, Sarah is undecided with regard to what she’ll do, but she’s looking at studying physiotherapy.
Stella’s education began at Ōtorohanga South School, which she attended until the end of Year 2. The remainder of her primary education was at Pekapekarau Primary School.
“I remember my first day at Te Awamutu College, in my baggy uniform that I was to grow into and [wearing] a school bag so big it nearly toppled me over,” says Stella.
She is taking biology, chemistry, English, sports science and mathematics and statistics. During the last two years, she obtained NCEA Level 1 and 2 with Merit and achieved two Silver Excellence medallions.
“I thoroughly enjoy playing a variety of different sports. My favourite sport is netball, where I play goal attack for the school’s Premier team. In 2020, I represented New Zealand in CrossFit,” says Stella.
Stella also plays a bit of squash for fun, and tried most sports under the sun growing up.
Her goals for 2023 are to carry out the role of head student to her greatest level of ability by being a positive role model.
“I aim to achieve NCEA Level 3 with Merit and gain University Entrance. I also plan to continue playing netball for TAC and enjoy my last year of college,” says Stella.
During her last year of college, Stella is looking forward to taking every opportunity available to her, participating in inter-house activities - in which she hopes Kikorangi will win - and the upcoming netball season.
“I am eager to work alongside my fellow head students, Mr Membery, students and staff of Te Awamutu College and our community,” says Stella.
Avé Culpan
Te Awamutu College Board of Trustees student representative Avé
Culpan. Photo / Dean Taylor
This year, Avé is taking chemistry, mathematics and statistics, art, extension English, history and sport science as her subjects. Last year she worked hard, passing NCEA Level 1 with Excellence. She now looks forward to this new year, wanting to push herself further and make the most of all opportunities presented to her.
She loves sports, and through her time so far at Te Awamutu College she has played rugby, netball, hockey and basketball, captaining both the girls’ basketball and the hockey girls’ development team. In her downtime, she pursues her creative interests through music and art.
Her goals for 2023 involve extending herself academically as well as in the arts and sports, making the most of her final years of high school.
“This year, I aim to carry out to the best of my ability my role as a student representative, with the intention of creating a better school environment, inspiring change and advocating for a better student life. I am really looking forward to this upcoming year both in my role as your student rep, the academic year and the opportunities Year 12 has to offer,” Avé said.
Throughout her years at Te Awamutu College, she has played netball, rugby and captained the girls’ basketball team as well as the hockey girls’ development team.
“With my new position as a representative on the Te Awamutu College Board, I am dedicated and excited to advocate for a better student life. I think that it is important to be included when it comes to decisions being made in our school,” says Avé.
The Board has continued to push for improvements and new facilities for the school, and it is fantastic to see the new carparks, the turf being laid, asphalt on D Block and various other upgrades. This year, the school is looking forward to the multi-turf being completed.