Te Mātakitaki i te hara i a Te Haranui Exhibition at Te Awamutu Museum is now open.
This significant exhibition commemorates 200 years since the battle of Mātakitaki in 1822.
At that time, Mātakitaki was the metropolis of Ngāti Hikairo, with the site being made up of three distinct components - fortified pā.
Te Haranui was from Ngā Puhi and a nephew of Hongi Hika. After being killed during a feud with a local man, word reached his uncle Hongi Hika, and he eventually set off from Te Tai Tokerau, seeking revenge for the death of Te Haranui.
Due to this attack, and the subsequent massacre of thousands at Mātakitaki, the name was adapted to Te Mātakitaki i te hara i a Te Haranui - the observance of the wrongdoing committed against Te Haranui. Hence the reason why the exhibition is so named is to highlight this not-so-well-known name.