Speed limits have dropped from 100km/h to 80km/h on three Hauraki roads.
Waihī Beach Rd, Kennedy Rd and Dickey Flat Rd reduced to 80km/h while the 50km/h zone on Pipiroa Rd, on the section leading out from Ngātea township, has been extended to the 70km/h sign.
A few months ago, a section of road between Kaiaua and Whakatiwai that went from 50km/h to 70km/h and back to 50km/h was reduced to 50km across the whole stretch.
The changes to the speed limits were part of the recommendations in the Hauraki District Council’s speed management plan, approved last year after consultation with the public.
Waihī Beach, Kennedy and Dickey Flat roads were known accident sites, and the communities had supported speed reductions in those areas, Hauraki Mayor Toby Adams said.