How many of us banished a musical instrument under the bed when life got too serious to allow for creativity that didn't pay the bills?
As time wore on and our musical skill grew rusty, how many of us thought that playing again seemed just a little too scary? Maybe our children have taken up an instrument and we are reminded that buried deeply somewhere is a little flame of musical passion just waiting to be reignited.
A surprising number of Hamiltonians have decided to silence the little voice telling us that we will just make fools of ourselves, and have participated in Orchestra Central's Rusty Players Orchestra.
Now in its third year, 'Rusty' events are increasing in frequency due to popular demand. Rusty Solstice is the highlight of the year, deliberately chosen for the winter solstice as it coincides with Fête de la Musique, or World Music Day.
On Music Day people are encouraged to play music in public spaces, and free concerts are organised where musicians play for fun and not for payment.