Poetry Aotearoa’s 2023 yearbook is out, and it brings together new poetry, reviews and essays from established and emerging writers around New Zealand.
University of Waikato senior lecturer Dr Tracey Slaughter, who edited the anthology for the third year, has spent the last nine months reviewing more than 1000 poems for the yearbook, subtitled After-burn.
The Poetry New Zealand Yearbook, renamed Poetry Aotearoa, has been running since 1951 and is New Zealand’s longest-running poetry journal.
After-burn features 150 poems from 110 poets, including Waikato University English graduates and current students such as essa may ranapiri, Dadon Rowell, Mark Prisco, Liam Hinton, Jessie Burnette, Evie Howell, Shaynah Jackson and Heidi Rogers.