The new Picturesque Garden at Hamilton Gardens will be opened on Monday, November 4, after three years of development.
The garden represents an historically significant form of garden design, providing another link in the Hamilton Gardens "story of gardens" theme.
Hamilton Gardens director Peter Sergel said the garden displays a changing attitude.
"The 18th century Picturesque Garden movement reflected a changing attitude to nature," said Dr Sergel.
"Before that gardens were usually formal and symmetrical, but these gardens were supposed to look relatively wild and natural. The gardens were often enhanced with artificial ruins and rustic bridges and took advantage of any dramatic site features.
"They were also trying to make gardens that appealed not just to the eye, but to the heart and the mind. To that end there was often reference to stories from antiquity and sometimes a sequence of features that told a story. In this garden, that story is of Mozart's 18th century opera The Magic Flute.