A potential new project has emerged from consultation on whether Council should seek its share of the Government's $2 billion 'Better Off' fund, with the Te Ara Wai museum being a possible benefactor.
The fund, developed alongside the Three Waters Reform Programme, can help councils which apply pay for projects that help build resilience to climate change or natural hazards, enable housing development, or support community improvements.
While Waipā District Council continues to strongly oppose Three Waters reform, it can still apply to the fund and can continue to criticise the reform proposals.
A short survey asked whether or not Council should apply for funding, and if so, what projects should be prioritised. Of the 92 responses, 42 people said Council should apply for the $5.34 million ring-fenced for Waipā.
Twenty-nine said Council should reject any funding, and 21 wanted to wait until July 2024, when further funding may be made available.