• Young people - enabling people under 18 to engage with and participate in the arts.
Individuals or groups can apply for the Creative Communities Scheme, however, individuals must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.
The Creative Communities Scheme grants are allocated by an assessment committee made up of members of the Waipā community with an interest in and knowledge of the arts.
Creative Communities Scheme administrator and Waipā District Council community adviser Gina Scott said the Waipā allocation now had $70,000 available and encouraged people with creative ideas to get in touch.
"There is no limit to the amount of funding each application requests, however, grants are typically given between $500 and $5000.
"The scheme recently received extra government funding due to the impacts on the arts caused by the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions so there is a lot more than usual to dish out. The committee would love to see some awesome arts and creative projects delivered this round so don't hesitate to get in touch and apply," says Gina.
Alex Wilkinson, who lives in Kihikihi, is a ceramic artist who makes pottery through her business, Mystery Creeks Ceramics. She is also chairwoman of the panel for the Waipā Creative Communities fund.
"In terms of helping people with projects, this money could fund a new body of work for an artist to display, it could make a workshop more affordable for participants. It can also fund a show from start to finish, fund an artist residency or a book, anything really," says Alex.
Previous successful projects include kapa haka festivals, various artistic workshops, film festivals, theatre productions, concerts and the production of artworks that can be enjoyed by the public.
"For those wishing to apply who have questions about a project's eligibility, or would like advice on filling out the draft application before applying, Creative Waikato is a great place to start," says Gina.
Further information about the Creative Communities Scheme fund, eligibility criteria and application forms are available at waipadc.govt.nz/creativecommunities.
To get independent advice on your project, go to creativewaikato.co.nz or email, hello@creativewaikato.co.nz.