This year National has released a number of detailed discussion documents outlining work we have been doing in Opposition to refresh our policies for the 2020 General Election, and inviting public feedback on a number of proposals.
Recently our Education and Justice documents have been published and everyone is invited to respond to our ideas, regardless of your political leanings.
We're testing all our ideas to ensure that final policy commitments that we put forward next year are sound, well-costed and evidence-based.
National is proposing to block gang members from receiving a benefit if they can't prove they don't have illegal income or assets, and to provide compulsory education, training or employment for prisoners who are serving sentences of two years or more.
I'm very pleased that a Justice proposal I have worked on this year is included, to provide an incentive to murderers to spare victims' families additional anguish. I have lodged my Concealment of Location of Victim Remains Bill in Parliament's Private Members' Bills ballot this week.